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Doc's Rentals

Reliable vehicles. Affordable Rates.

Remote pick up & drop off right from your phone!

Delivery to anywhere 

in Bismarck/Mandan

Inspected and tested 

between each rental.

For when you just need an affordable ride...

At Doc's Rentals, our focus is reliable vehicles at affordable rates.


When your vehicle is down, you need to get the kids to school and yourself to work... without draining your bank account!

The big guys offer fancy new cars... if you're willing to pay through the nose!

Our cars are a little more basic, but still safe, reliable, and at a price you can afford! Typically about HALF the price of "the big guys." Weekly and monthly rates are available too!


Many times insurance will pay for a large part of your rental! Ask us for help if needed.

It all started when I murdered Bambi with our family van...

December of 2022, while traveling back with my family from a Christmas celebration we hit a deer in our family van. Bambi was not paying attention that night.

The next morning, all the anxiety set in... how long will repairs take? Is it totaled? How do I get the kids to school? How does my wife get to work?


Feeling smart, I thought: I'll just rent a vehicle! That's when I learned that

mini vans rent for $180/day! And my insurance will pay for $30/day for 30 days... 


I don't know about you, but my family could not take on a $150/day expense for God only knows how long.

There had to be a better way!

That's when Doc's Rentals was born...


Our mission is to stand in the gap between "oh crap!" and "Thank God!" with a solution that families can actually afford. 



© 2023 By Doc's Rentals

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